Monday, May 6, 2013

Best Part of My Weekend

Had a wonderful weekend!
Terry had his 10 year class reunion.
Jordan's mom was in town so we braved Chuck-e-Cheese.
We saw Iron Man 3 on the IMAX in 3D as a treat for Lyric (since he has been wearing his mouth guard for 2 whole weeks... post on it tomorrow).
My favorite part of the weekend... a couch nap with my not so little man. We snuggled and it was awesome!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Another Giveaway

So, in an earlier post I mentioned how I really want to amp up the traffic flow to my blog. Lucky for my one of my blogger mommy friends is doing an amazing giveaway!!!!!! I am so excited! Sarah from Our Journey is doing a blog template giveaway! I loved her new look that she got from Maree at Grey Loves Design, and now I have the chance to get something that fits my crazy family stories... perfect!
My space is defiantly in need of a facelift... Wish me luck friends and stay tuned for (hopefully) an amazing fresh new look!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


We are moving things all over the house!
I took the day off yesterday and we moved and cleaned the garage, moved the playroom, combined the kids closets, and got Jordan moved into her new room! 
I should have everything together by this evening and I will take lots of pictures so you all can see... 
I am so excited!

A little shout out to Sonic... Thank you for the amazing drinks yesterday! It was hot and I don't think I would have made it through the day without you!