Thursday, March 8, 2012

State Bound 2012

A big, huge, massive, and very deserved congratulations to the Republic Lady Tigers Varsity Basketball Team and my little sister Tay on their District Championship and now on their journey to State Championships!!! I could not be happier or more proud of these girls. They are all so wonderful and I feel like since Tay has played with these girls for so long that they have become part of our family. My kids love them... and in turn these girls love my kids. It is wonderful. They have worked so hard for this and I know this will be something that they will remember forever.
Tay and Brooke

The Lady Tigers

The Seniors

Its so crazy to me that she is a senior... 18... ready to graduate... playing her final games of basketball... almost an adult. I feel like she should still be the tough little girl that loved Spongebob, would ride her bike everywhere, never wanted to get dressed up for anything, and was my little kiddo. Now she is so much more... she is the lady that loves watching Spongebob with her nephew, would drive to be with you in a second if you needed her, loves to get her niece all dressed up, and is my kiddo forever and always. People always told me when I was younger that there would come a day when she would be my best friend... and I can honestly say she is so much more than I could have ever asked for. I hope she savors every second of her state championship trip and these wonderful moments with her team. And then she can come home and tell me all of the amazing stories :)

While I am on the sports topic... LYRIC STARTED SOCCER! He loves it! Our first game is next week and I will be posting all of the details soon! :).

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