Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sibling Sharing

I am very fortunate that my children love each other. They play together very well. Lyric is incredibly protective of his sister and love to have her in his shadow. Remedy is envious of Lyric and all the things he can do since he is bigger, and so often she is challenging herself and him. They can play together for hours with little to no interruptions. I realize how lucky I am to have two children that can play together and entertain themselves... AGAIN, I love that they play this well together. I love that they love each other.
That being said... I hate the clean up. Lyric has his own room complete with twin size bunk beds, two toy boxes, and entertainment center with a 32' television, and an array of large and small toys in every nook and cranny  Remedy has her room, filled with a crib, a changing table turned entertainment center with her television, her kitchen and Dora table and chairs, a crib for her babies, and lots of toys and princess-ey things. When my children play together, they of course, do not play in one room... they play in both. Lyric's toys end up in Remedy's room and vise versa. That makes the cleanup not double (cause I already have two separate rooms to clean) but TRIPLE! It is insane and it is honestly driving me insane.
So... we are doing a little revamping. Lyric and Remedy are going to have two rooms that they share. One room will house their beds, a single television, and their books... this space I am hoping will be relaxing, calm, and quite. They will also have a play room... I envision this room being creative, imaginative, and eventful. I have done some research and there is a lot of positive feedback. I am hoping for three main results from this change...

One of my favorite 'ideas'... this is perfect!
First I am hoping that bedtime is easier. Lyric will not sleep in his room. I am embarrassed to say that he still sleeps with Terry and I. He says he doesn't want to sleep alone... this way he wont be alone. He and his sister will be in the same room.
I am also hoping for less work. I am going to work very hard on have a limited toy rule in the bedroom... I of course will allow a doll, a small toys, books, games, and puzzles, but not 'toys'. That will be what the toy room is. I truly think this will reduce the upkeep. One room will need constant attention and that will be the play room, the bedroom will be something that my children will be able to learn to take care of and help by having daily responsibilities in their room.
Lastly, I am hoping for a little more structure. We have such a busy life and with that I feel like my house suffers. Not always because we are doing something but sometimes because it is one time when we are doing nothing and I want to do just that, nothing. I am hoping this change will inspire other changes that will help me get onto a strict routine to help my family function a little less chaotic.

This is probably closer to what our end result will resemble.
Still love it!

Tonight, I started "Operation Bedroom". I got everything out of Lyric's room (now the bedroom) and two twin beds are in place. Tomorrow night I will complete the bedroom for now. Of course there are a lot of ideas that I have and in time and with money I will continue to make the space exactly what I want. I have a color scheme and I am so excited to see it all come together. Then on Saturday I will head to Remedy's room (the playroom) and take down her crib and changing table, tear, and then start putting together a room that my children will love.

My goal is to have everything I can done by Monday... I say everything I can because I will have to do things week by week as money allows.
Stay tuned for results!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sharp Shooters!

Lyric is in full basketball season. This year we are playing with the Sharp Shooters and let me tell you... my kid is awesome! He is fast, dribbles like a little four year old machine, and excited! Man is he excited... that is until it is time to shoot... he is still so short that shooting is not much fun. Luckily this year daddy has worked with him so he is getting the ball much closer to the net. :)
Our family... Sharp Shooters first game!

The boys... Uncle Joe, Lyric, and Daddy

The Littles

My little basketball stud!
Sister being silly!
Warm Ups!

Little Miss watching Bubba play...

Shooting :)

Recruiter :)

I am one of the super fortunate people who loves their job. I have worked for Gold Mountain Communications for three years now and honestly I really couldn't imagine myself working anywhere else.
When I started here, it was more or less, to get out of retail, have a regular schedule, not work weekends and holidays, and make a great deal of money. All of these things pointed to telemarketing. Of course, I had never done this before... but for those who know me, I am not shy, I am pretty persuasive, and I am a positive thinker. So telemarketing was something I was determined to be great at.
I was on the phones doing vacation sales and verifying deals when I got my first promotion that jumped started what I can now call my career. In November of 2011 I was promoted to the receptionist in the front office. I love this job. Monday through Friday with no weekends and no holidays... and the people I work with are incredible. I love the daily tasks and responsibilities that come with my position and I love that I feel like this is the atmosphere and type of work I will be doing for the rest of my life. I feel like I have found my calling.
Things in the front office have been incredibly busy since September of last year. Our office manager has been in treatment for cancer, the second recruiter moved out of town, and so it has been for some time myself and the other recruiter making the day to day function. Needless to say we have been amazing... everyone in the call center has pulled together, taken deep breaths, been patient, and rocked 2012! Such a wonderful feeling to know that I have been a part of that. My main part in helping was taking on a lot of recruiter responsibilities along with doing my job. I knew that someone would have to help because the other recruiter would be taking on her job, the job of the second recruiter, and backing up the office manager when needed. Great news... my stepping up paid off in an amazing way!
Tuesday of last week I was called into the Vice President's office. He and my boss (the office manager) thanked me for all my hard work and....
I GOT PROMOTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am now a recruiter for Gold Mountain Communications. I am beyond thrilled, excited, and proud of myself. I have worked incredibly hard and I have really wanted this job for a while. This is a huge step for my career and for my family.
There is still a few little steps before recruiting will be my sole responsibility (being that we need a new receptionist) but I am so ready.
To celebrate, Jordan took me out on Saturday night and we got our nails and toes done and I made another bold move. I took off my acrylic nails and got shellac! I love it! I am a nail biter and so to have my actual nails, long, strong, and adorable is a huge accomplishment. I can also report that I still have no bitten any of them! Go me!
After our nails, we went to Big Whiskeys for dinner and then we were going to go dancing but we both got sick. We are sure we ate some bad chicken...  :( Put a small damper on the night but at least now we have an excuse to go dancing soon!!!!
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family, incredible friends, and a fantastic job! Can't wait to see what all 2013 holds for the Scott family!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Death is always a hard thing to deal with. I know that people always tell you to try to celebrate the life that was lived, the memories made, and the love shared. Easier said than done.
My family has lost a friend. A friend that died too young. A nice man. A fun spirit.
Jason, you will be so missed.

Say a little prayer for us as we say our goodbyes to such a great friend. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year... New Stuff

I love New Year... I love the fact that it is a night that you can get all dressed up and go big. Have fun. Laugh loud. Dance crazy. And kiss hard. The midnight kiss is the best kiss of the year.
Since Terry works at a bar he works every NYE, so I always make sure that whatever I do that night I am by his side at midnight... This year was easy because we actually went to Midnight Rodeo the whole night!
It was a big crowd this year... a fun crowd. We had the best time and made awesome memories... with some hilarious stories...
Me, Jordan, and Emily

Doesn't my mom look amazing??? Gastric bypass looks fab on her!

My sister in law. Jessica, Jordan, and I 

Love this girl

Rocking the NYE gear!

Jordan and I with Cowboy Dad! :)
As for all the new stuff, well there is a lot...
My work is getting busier and bigger so I am hoping for some fun changes this year!
Lyric started basketball... we are super excited and a post will come soon!
Remedy will be two next month, so I am in extreme party planning mode!!!
I have more exciting news and once I get the ok I will post... No I am not pregnant! haha!

Happy New Year... may 2013 be the best year yet!

Merry Christmas

We were very blessed this year with a very Merry Christmas... looking back it was pretty perfect! The kids were beyond thrilled and grateful for all of their gifts and we got to spend a little quality time with loved ones.

Remedy's Presents from Daddy and Mommy and her castle from Santa 
Lyric's presents and his new bike from Santa :)

Ready to open gifts at Great-Granny's house on Christmas Eve
What is it???

Daddy showing off Remedy's cute new outfit... haha

Lyric got a new DSi XL!!!! Super exciting!

Tay and Lyric on Christmas Eve


We sure love sweat pants!

Papa helping Lyric at Nana's house

Skylanders backpack!


Kisses for Remedy

My mother-in-law got me diamond earrings...
And a gorgeous necklace.

New book with Daddy

Shopping cart
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!!!!